
EcoBirth-Women for Earth and Birth

Uniting the earth and birth movements for the well-being of our world

About EcoBirth

Welcome to EcoBirth! 

Read a bit more about us, then write your own EcoBirth story and get involved in other ways!

Contact: Molly Arthur, molly6@pacbell.net, 415 435 8031

EcoBirth Mission

  • A coalition of organizations and individuals who cherish our beloved babies and Mother Earth.
  • Women who want to consciously change our culture’s story to compassion for the environments of Earth and Birth and impel social change to sustain healthy, caring humans and a healed earth home.

EcoBirth Objectives
  • Mobilize champions to create, gather and protect our life stories of caring and love.
  • Empower women to challenge the systems that allow an uncaring world.
  • Train women to take a stand.

EcoBirth Statement

We want to ensure that there are no more toxins in our bodies or in our developing babies. 
We want our babies born in a caring, natural way and raised in a safe, non-toxic world.
Help us protect our earth, our babies and birth.

EcoBirth Vision

Relating earth and birth- one natural life.  Pure Life: Clean world, safe births and healthy babies.

EcoBirth Scope

Creation-having to do with the creating of life and what might affect its normal development.
Topics-reproductive health, sex, epigenetics, perinatal psychology, prenatal care, environmental health, creation stories/native, environment, cosmology, ecofeminism, evolutionary biology.

Birth- having to do with the transformation into life and what might affect its normal action.
Topics-medical anthropology, drugs, homebirth, cultural differences, drugs, psychology, maternal care systems, birth stories, evidence based practices, human right, women empowerment.

Nurturing- having to do with caring for the environment needed for quality human growth and development.
Topics-medicine, land & soil, deep ecology, environmental health, spiritual/religion, literature, Native American, pesticides, social justice.

Nourishing- having to do with feeding and caring for home and educational environment needed for quality human growth and development.
Topics- breastfeeding, food system, home greening, safe products, environmental pollution, child & nature, GMOs, education, chronic diseases, environmental justice, community, parenting.

Maturing-having to do with recognizing the rite of passage to maturity. Living a full life.
Topics- youth, peer pressure, music, leadership, education, work, gardening, farming, meaningful life, happiness, economics, finances, spirituality

Wisdom- having to do with respecting elder wisdom and ancestors
Topics- traditional foods, native practices, homeopathy, disease, social burden, spirituality

Departing- having to do with honoring the passage from life.
Topics- religion, death, hospice, green funerals.

EcoBirth Main Areas

Environmental Health/Pollutants
Food System
Women Empowerment/Leadership

EcoBirth Embodiment

Head-educating for full human potential and social change
Eyes- seeing consciously, loving, worldview, perception
Ears-listening to others stories, active
Mouth- speaking truth to power, storytelling for a caring world
Heart-spirit centered, broken open, most powerful
Womb- green it from toxins, should be inviolate
Belly-contains the world, life force, seeds of life
Hands-hold space for next generations
Vagina-birth, struggle, fruition
Thighs-strength, carry burdens
Calves-leap into future
Feet-walk the path, light the way, take a stand

EcoBirth Values

Informed Consent
Open Dialog
Community gathering
Honor embodiment
Social Justice
Sacred place
Whole system thinking
Collaborative Leadership

Molly Arthur's Maternal Lines digital story from molly arthur on Vimeo.

We women can face the pain and grief we have for our suffering Mother Earth and reclaim our story of creation and redemption with the power and beauty intimately held in our body’s cells from our maternal lines since the beginning of the cosmos. Our existential and communal grief heals within the loving gathering of our feminine compassion, connecting us to the truth and strength of our Mother Earth and all our kin. We start with Molly’s Personal Environmental Story-to explore the birth stories and places and times of ourselves, our mothers and grandmothers.Using the stories of our own maternal lines, with sharing, active listening and intention, we call on our ancestors, our inner wisdom and the shared circle to witness our story with compassion. Using ritual, song, movement, and sharing of our truths, in community and powerful circle as well as spending time on the land - we can acknowledge the oppression in our lives, feeling it in our bodies, grieving it, transforming it and ourselves in a safe, loving space. Our healing path connects our sacred lineage from the womb of our Mother Earth to integrate our inner and outer lives and discover our place in the connected caring cosmos. We are a part of a continuum of sacredness, lifeforce, divine energy including our Ancestors back to the stuff of the stars. We can reclaim our cells, our lineage and our legacy to the future generations. Like in birth labor, we must yield to our bodies innate knowing, to progress, to open, to birth our love. With our active surrender to fierce compassion we can restore our connection to the natural world and our own inner wisdom. We can drop our obsessive addictions to control and return to our healing, caring, befriending tendencies- innate for us nurturers. And then we can repair, regenerate, and renew our culture for tenderness and kindness, naturally embodied by us. We will be able to guard and protect ours and all descendents - becoming their Beloved Ancestors- by asking - What is possible now to transform our world for Future Generations?

Molly Arthur of EcoBirth- My Personal Environmental Story November 2012 from molly arthur on Vimeo.

Why EcoBirth’s My Personal Environmental Story
EcoBirth’s My Personal Environmental Story will help women tell their life story by considering the two primary environments- place and birth- for themselves, their mothers and their maternal grandmothers. Through this process each participant will come to realize the hazards in their environmental genealogy and realize the healing in telling their own story. And they will be empowered to affect the changes that are necessary for our Mother Earth and our children and grandchildren to thrive.
Imagine looking back to your grandmother's and mother's birth time to figure out what environmental influences you might have inherited? And have passed onto your children and grandchildren? Would you wonder what was in the air, water and food in their lives- and look twice at what diseases, birth defects, addictions there are in your family?